On HPM and HPM 2016

Aim and focus

HPM 2016 is the ninth quadrennial meeting of the International Study Group on the Relations Between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics—the HPM Group.

These quadrennial meetings are a major activity of HPM to bring together individuals with a keen interest in the relationship between the history of mathematics and mathematics education. They include:

  • Researchers in mathematics education who are interested in the history of mathematics and mathematical thinking,
  • Mathematics teachers at all levels who are eager to gain insights into how the history of mathematics can be integrated into teaching and how they can help students to learn mathematics,
  • Historians of mathematics who wish to talk about their research,
  • Mathematicians who want to learn about new possibilities to teach their discipline, and
  • All those with an interest in the history of mathematics and pedagogy.

Main theme and topics

The theme of HPM 2016 is “Mathematics in the Mediterranean." The program and activities are structured around the following topics:

  1. Theoretical and/or conceptual frameworks for integrating history in mathematics education.
  2. History and epistemology in students and teachers mathematics education: Classroom experiments and teaching materials.
  3. Original sources in the classroom and their educational effects.
  4. Mathematics and its relation to science, technology, and the arts: Historical issues and interdisciplinary teaching and learning.
  5. Cultures and mathematics.
  6. Topics in the history of mathematics education.
  7. Mathematics in Mediterranean countries.

Activities during the 2016 HPM Conference

The HPM Conference is a place where mathematicians, educators, historians, researchers, and students can make presentations and participate in discussions.

The program includes:

  • plenary lectures,
  • panels,
  • discussion groups,
  • workshops,
  • parallel sessions where participants present research reports,
  • poster exhibitions, and
  • exhibitions of books and other didactical material.

Plenary sessions, discussion groups, and panels deal with the main topics of the conference. Plenary speakers, panelists, and coordinators of discussion groups are invited by the scientific committee.

We encourage you to make submissions for the following activities: workshops, research reports, poster exhibitions, and exhibitions of books and other didactical material.

Research reports are intended to communicate new research results. They take place in parallel sessions of 25-minute oral presentations followed by 5-minute discussions.

Workshops focus on the exchange of ideas and discussion among the participants around some historical or didactical material prepared beforehand by the workshop organizer. The material usually includes original historical texts, didactical material, students’ worksheets, etc. Workshops can be one hour or two hours in duration.

Posters present summaries of ongoing or completed research, new ideas, etc.

Official languages

The official languages of the conference are English and French.

History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education: Recent developments

A survey on research developments in the HPM domain since 2000. Prepared by the Organizing Team of the ICME 13 Topic Study Group 25: The Role of History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education (last update: 15/6/2016).

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